Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday Week

Christmas day was really good, i got a lot of clothes and 3 pairs of heels for christmas. yay! and them on the 26th i went up north to my family party and we had our soup night. (i have like 7 bowls of chicken pot pie soup) and we did our while elephant. i ended up with the same thing i put in :( so i just gave it to my aunt. haha. i played tons of mario kart and pool. then on the 27th we exchanged gift ($50 to target and a 20 dolar bill) and just hung out with my family and ate a lot. we palyed a lot of games and i already miss everybody!!!! i love my family!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


ok so friday morinig sucked! so i couldn't fall asleep on thurday and i kept waking up, and at 4:30 i woke up and looked at the school closings, i was expecting to see that we were closed, but we weren't! it wasnt even snowing outside. I was really depesed becuase i thought that we had school, so i set my alarm and tried to sleep for about an hour, but of course i couldnt. I just kept thinking about how much t sucked and how much i had to get done in the morning. So my alarm went off when i was awake, i got up and wenti not my bathroom and when i turned on the lights, my ister had written on a sticky note, NO SCHOOL! i was really confused so i looked on and it said we were closed! i was happy, but pissed off that theky waited so long. I was up then and i couldn't fall back asleep so i read a magazine, got some new songs from itunes, made magan a snowflake and painted it, and watched a movie. and after all of that, it was only 9:00. My mom had decided to stay home for the morning and work from home until the roads got a little better. I was excited because that meant i could get a ride to magz house, or so i thought. When i asked my mom if she could drive me over there, she went crazy! shee started yelling at me saying that she was busy and then she gave me a million choresw tro do. so after i did all of them, i had to paint megans present. then i got ready and waited like 2 hours for my mom to drive me over there. when my mom drpped me off, she got stuck in the snow and megz dad had to push her out. Me and megz hung out for about an hour then we went sleding. omg it was so much fun! even though i did about 5 face plants from trying to snowboard down the mountain...and we went in the woods and saw some people smoking pot...and we found our own little hill way back in the golf course and snowboarded down there and did funny impressions when going down (pushups, dancing, a slut, ect. haha) and then we went back to her house, at like pigs!!!!!!!!! (omg i dont even want to tell u how much we ate) then fell into a severe food coma. We fell asleep on her living room floor at 10:30 and i woke up to her mom standing over me at 12:00 saying that my mom had called and that they were taking me home, i was so out of it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday Night

ok so on Friday night Alyssa and I went to Sarah Deter's house. We were planning on having .like this christmas party thing.... with like all of the old school claymation films and a gingerbread house and everything. Well when we first got there, we went in her room and read her new diary (it had Top Secret Information in it! haha jk) and i wrote her an entry! then we went on her computer and took some pictures with all of her funny effects. and i have to say... in some of them i look damn sexy... you know, like with my face 1/10 the size of my head and all. Them her mom made us dinner..yum.... haha. and her parents and sibling left and we were all alone so we had this fashion show thing. it was really funny. what we did was we put on some music and one of us would walk like we were in a fashion show and when we were done we would run upstairs whip off our clothes and throw something else on and run downstaris and by the time we got down, it would be our turn again. it was really funny. We were watching santa claus is comming to town and some other movies when megan came over. When she got there we talked a little, looked in the year book, and made the gingerbread house. it was a disaster!! ok so all of the pieces of gingerbread not only tasted like cardboard, but were all broken, so we couldn't even make it. so we started to just decorate them and make faces on them, but they tasted really nasty so we gave up. After megan left, we made snowflakes and put them up on sarah's kitchen window. We decided to watch the old cartoon how the grinch stole christmas, and we all fell asleep like not even 10 min. into it. that was a really fun night.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

finishing up survey

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? rainbow!
What are your favorite smells? cinomon, mens cologne(i know it is weird) and any incense
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Mami padre :(
Do you like the person who sent this to you? no not at all.... i absolutley hate sarahs guts!! (haha jk sarah's my lover fo sho)
What is your favorite sport to watch? none
What is your hair color? like reddish-brown
What is your eye color? idk it changes
Do you wear contacts? yes, it do
What is your favorite food? ummm i have no idea
Scary movies or happy endings? depends- if a movie with a happy ending is dumb or corny then scary movies
Last movie you watched? Juno
What color shirt are you wearing? gray and black
Summer or Winter? Winter! fo dizzle
Hugs or Kisses? Kisses
What is your favorite dessert? anything ultra chocoalte
What book are you reading right now? To Kill a Mockingbird and Catcher in the Rye
What is on your mouse pad? time waren cable add thing
What did you watch last night? House
What is your favorite sound? Sarah Deter's laugh.... (haha im a creep!)
Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles
What is the farthest you've been away from home? Bahamas
Do you have a special talent? i can fit my fist in my mouth! (Karen)
Whose answers are you looking forward to getting back? my friends....

ok alyssa.... i tag you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Were you named after anyone? not my first name, but my middle name (rae) i think is named after some great grandma
When was the last time you cried? going to lima,Ohio :(
Do you like your handwriting?NOOOO it sucks!
What's your favorite lunch meat? turkey
Do you have any kids?yes about 10.....
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ummm..... my friends now cuz they are amazing!
Do you use sarcasm alot? no....
Do you still have your tonsils? i think i do
Would you bungee jump? only if i could do it with someone else
What's your favorite cereal? Special K with straberrys
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope
Do you think you are strong? oh ... im superwoman!
What's your favorite ice cream? double chocolate fudge brownie (or anything loaded with chocolate)
What is the first thing you notice about people? their height
Red or Pink? red
What is the least thing you like about yourself? (not stealing sarah's answer) my feet-ugh. i hate feet
Who do you miss the most? i dont know...
What color shoes are you wearing? no shoes
What was the last thing you ate? poptart
What are you listening to right now? noting... i have to go or else i will miss school!

i will finish these up later

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I absolutley hate homework!!!! urg... i feel like a have soo much. like today i have probably like 5 hours. and i know like complain like a bitch about it all the time but it really sucks! :(

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving break

OMG!this break has been so much fun. ok so on tuesday night i called magan asking her when i should come over to her house the next day and her mom started to yell through the phone to come over then, so i spent the night amegz house on tuesday. and then on wed. we got all dressed up and lookedsmoking hot and went to the mall. she also didn't have to go to dance (she got out of it) so we stayed tyhere till 6. and then i went back to her house for a while. on thurs. i just stayed in my p.j.s all day and watched anchorman and the office season 2 (which we rented) and house all day andate yummy dinner. and today (friday) i went over to alyssa's house and we decorated her room all christmasy and colored x-maspictures we printed offline. and we we madeaaim sn for her (oh yea mine is xxxoliviaraexxx and hers is assy2594, add us!). wow! i have had a a bussy break haha!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Funniest Man Alive!

omg! you have to watch like any viedo from this guy. he is so fricken funny! atleast i think he is. you have to have the right sence of humor to like it but when i watch it i am literally like on the ground laughing. I really like Train of Thought, i would watch that first. Ok well here is the link to his little profile thing will all of his 69 videos- (p.s. they all have some pg13 comments in it so just don't have it super loud when your parents are around.

Friday Night

OMG! friday was so much fun! ok well first, i walked home with teresa and saw her super cute dog luigi and we went on the computer for a while. when her mom came home, we had breakfast for dinner (yay!). and then later all these people were txting me to go to the game so teresa and i did. we pretty much hung out with Heidi for the whole time and for the 2nd ahve of the game Megz came so i got to see her. it was sooo much fun! oh ya and i got my report card in the mail today and guess what?! our STUPID school is so dumb to know that im in adv. classes so they didn't give me any of the extra points i should have (wich would put me over a 4. if i had them) so now i have like a 3.89.i totlay understand that that is still an amazing grade, it just sucks because i should have more than that and i worked hard to get that. so now my dad has to call in and tell them to fix it and it is just a huge pain in the ass! ugh.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey! go look at that slide show i just made it is pretty cool. I will make a new one that has wayyyy more pics later but i didn't have the time tonight. O ya, i also made a new backround! so go look at it and comment (you have t oclick full screen)

My Bffs

Hey I just made this! Check it out! (click fullscreen)
Picasa SlideshowPicasa Web AlbumsFullscreen

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


this is my first post and i really don't know what to say. ummm... ok well im trying to change up my blog page and it is sooooo annoying! all i could figure out to do was to make my own backround and that little peace and love sign. I tried to get a scroll box with a couple of black and white pics i thinkare cute but it didn't come out right (it wouldn't scroll!) so i had to get rid of that. it was 10 minuets of my life that was a comlete waste(wow i sound like such a dork). ok well im done so bye!