Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday Night

ok so on Friday night Alyssa and I went to Sarah Deter's house. We were planning on having .like this christmas party thing.... with like all of the old school claymation films and a gingerbread house and everything. Well when we first got there, we went in her room and read her new diary (it had Top Secret Information in it! haha jk) and i wrote her an entry! then we went on her computer and took some pictures with all of her funny effects. and i have to say... in some of them i look damn sexy... you know, like with my face 1/10 the size of my head and all. Them her mom made us dinner..yum.... haha. and her parents and sibling left and we were all alone so we had this fashion show thing. it was really funny. what we did was we put on some music and one of us would walk like we were in a fashion show and when we were done we would run upstairs whip off our clothes and throw something else on and run downstaris and by the time we got down, it would be our turn again. it was really funny. We were watching santa claus is comming to town and some other movies when megan came over. When she got there we talked a little, looked in the year book, and made the gingerbread house. it was a disaster!! ok so all of the pieces of gingerbread not only tasted like cardboard, but were all broken, so we couldn't even make it. so we started to just decorate them and make faces on them, but they tasted really nasty so we gave up. After megan left, we made snowflakes and put them up on sarah's kitchen window. We decided to watch the old cartoon how the grinch stole christmas, and we all fell asleep like not even 10 min. into it. that was a really fun night.

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