Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hey! go look at that slide show i just made it is pretty cool. I will make a new one that has wayyyy more pics later but i didn't have the time tonight. O ya, i also made a new backround! so go look at it and comment (you have t oclick full screen)


Assy said...

omg olive why do i have to comment you? if you what one so bad then heres your comment: YOU HAVE THE UGLYIST BACKGROUND EVER!
(jk so cute) by the way do you no if you A FAILED the science quiz?LOL I just read your comment, i no elina is 18!!!! I thought she was at least 24 ir something. sorry this is a long comment but what-ev
luv u o'ho!!!!!!!!!!!!

silly goose blogg said...

omg it's soooo cute!!!!! i love the one of all 4 of us and of you and assy when you guys were little..!!!! HAHAHA =)