Saturday, November 8, 2008

Friday Night

OMG! friday was so much fun! ok well first, i walked home with teresa and saw her super cute dog luigi and we went on the computer for a while. when her mom came home, we had breakfast for dinner (yay!). and then later all these people were txting me to go to the game so teresa and i did. we pretty much hung out with Heidi for the whole time and for the 2nd ahve of the game Megz came so i got to see her. it was sooo much fun! oh ya and i got my report card in the mail today and guess what?! our STUPID school is so dumb to know that im in adv. classes so they didn't give me any of the extra points i should have (wich would put me over a 4. if i had them) so now i have like a 3.89.i totlay understand that that is still an amazing grade, it just sucks because i should have more than that and i worked hard to get that. so now my dad has to call in and tell them to fix it and it is just a huge pain in the ass! ugh.


Assy said...

stupid damn school! by the way you beat me i hav 3.67:(

silly goose blogg said...

we have the same GPA...hahaha luv ya....